2018年4月26日 星期四

lidar, GPS

The Israel-based Innoviz announced today that BMW will buy its solid-state lidar for self-driving cars.
Galileo, a global navigation satellite system that will reach more places and work more precisely than today’s GPS services, is now available for free public use.

The latest boon for navigation services: a new fleet of satellites is now…

Ford is planning an autonomous ride sharing service in 2021. Having the best lidar will help.

The company that makes the best (and most expensive) lidar systems gets…

Velodyne is the name of a trio of Silicon Valley-based technology companies focused on audio equipment, LiDAR, and marine solutions. Wikipedia


光學雷達,或簡稱光達英語:lidarLIDARLiDAR,是英文「light detection and ranging」的縮寫[1],是一種光學遙感技術,它通過向目標照射一束,通常是一束脈衝雷射來測量目標的距離等參數。雷射雷達在測繪學考古學地理學地貌地震林業遙感以及大氣物理等領域都有應用[2] 此外,這項技術還用於機載雷射地圖測繪、雷射測高、雷射雷達等高線繪製等等具體應用中。


光學雷達起源於1960年代初,在雷射發明後不久,雷射聚焦成像與通過使用傳感器和數據採集電子裝置測量信號返回時間來計算距離的能力相結合。 它的第一個應用來自氣象學,美國國家大氣研究中心用它來測量[3] 1971年阿波羅15號任務期間,當宇航員使用雷射高度計繪製月球表面時,公眾意識到光學雷達的準確性和實用性。
儘管現在大多數人會把「LIDAR」這個詞當作縮寫,其實該術語起源於「light」,「radar」和「portmanteau」。 1963年首次發表的關於雷射雷達的文章清楚地表明:「最終,雷射可以提供遠距離物體的特定波長的靈敏探測器。」同時,它被用於研究月球牛津英語詞典支持了這個詞源。[4]
光學雷達作為首字母縮寫(「LIDAR」或「LiDAR」)的解釋後的1970年,[5] 有人基於以下假設:由於基本術語「雷達」最初是作為「無線電檢測和測距」的縮寫開始的,所以「光學雷達」必須代表「光檢測和測距」[6] 或「雷射成像,檢測和測距」。[7]儘管英語不再把「radar」當作縮寫,而且印刷的文字普遍呈現「lidar」這個詞,但在1980年代開始的一些出版物中,「lidar」一詞變成了大寫字母「LIDAR」或「LiDAR」。 目前還沒有關於大寫字母的共識,反映了光學雷達是否是縮寫詞的不確定性,以及它是否是縮寫,是否應該以小寫形式出現,如「lidar」。 各種出版物將光學雷達稱為「LIDAR」,「LiDAR」,「LIDaR」或「Lidar」。 美國地質調查局有時在同一文件中同時使用「LIDAR」和「lidar」;[8] 而紐約時報主要使用「lidar」,[9] 路透社等新聞公司可能會使用「Lidar」。[10]


Pronunciation: /ˈlʌɪdɑː/ 


detection system which works on the principle of radar, but uses light from a laser.
Example sentences
  • Automotive manufacturers are looking at technologies that include radar and lidar to make such measurements, and could have the systems on the market within two or three years.
  • With the combination of GPS and inertial systems, and the use of a lidar (light detection and ranging) system, the plane's exact recording position and precise topographical data on the earth's surface can be ascertained.
  • The pulse energies in the solid-state laser can be higher since these lasers store energy longer and more efficiently than fiber lasers, and this higher power improves the performance of lidar and remote-sensing systems.


1960s: blend of light1 and radar.
  • radar from [M20]:
    This system for detecting objects by sending out radio waves which are reflected back was developed in the 1930s. The name comes from the opening letters of radio detection and ranging, and was coined in 1941. Police started using radar traps to detect speeding motorists in the early 1960s. In the Second World War the myth that pilots ate lots of carrots to help them see in the dark was spread to explain how they could detect enemy planes, as radar was still a secret. Other words have been coined on the pattern of radar, such as lidar (mid 20th century), which works like radar, but uses light from lasers (mid 20th century)—laser itself being an acronym from ‘light amplification by the stimulatedemission of radiation’.

光學雷達英語:lidarLIDARLiDAR),或簡稱光達,是一種光學遙感技術,它通過向目標照射一束,通常是一束脈衝雷射來測量目標的距離等參數。雷射雷達在測繪學考古學地理學地貌地震林業遙感以及大氣物理等領域都有應用[1] 此外,這項技術還用於機載雷射地圖測繪、雷射測高、雷射雷達等高線繪製等等具體應用中。

