2016年6月12日 星期日

rap 1905, 1965, 1979

A German hip-hop group, Einshoch6, send out the message that mastering compound verbs and case-endings needn't be done with a long, studious face
A crossover band makes it fun to learn German


[MASS NOUN] A type of popular music of US black origin in which words are recited rapidly and rhythmically over an instrumental backing:  1979the label specializes in rap and modern soul[AS MODIFIER]: rap artists---[NO OBJECT] informal, chiefly North American Talk or chat in an easy and familiar manner: 1965we could be here all night rapping about spiritualism
informal, chiefly North American lengthy or impromptu conversation:dropping in after work for a rap over a beer
4[USUALLY WITH ADJECTIVE OR NOUN MODIFIER] North American informal A criminal charge, especially of a specified kind: 1905he’s just been acquitted on a murder rap

