2016年7月1日 星期五

airbag, driverless vehicles

Feds warn more than 300,000 Hondas and Acuras pose grave risk of exploding airbags and should be parked until fixed.

Since the 1950s car makers have dreamed of driverless vehicles. Is this farfetched future about to become reality?

We're in the middle of the biggest airbag crisis in history, and it's not ending anytime soon http://bloom.bg/1Zg3gUV

The airbag specified for automobile use traces its origins to air-filled bladders as early as 1941.[8]
The invention is also credited independently to the German engineer Walter Linderer, and to the American John W. Hetrick who in 1951 registered for the first of his airbag patents.[9] L


Pronunciation: /ˈɛəbaɡ/ 


A safety device fitted inside a road vehicle, consisting of a cushion designed to inflaterapidly and protect passengers from impact in the event of a collision.

