2016年5月17日 星期二

the Blitz

在1940年9月7日,納粹德國出動大批轟炸機,以倫敦為主要目標展開報復性空襲,回應先前英國皇家空軍襲擊德國首都柏林。 在隨後的一年當中,英國各主要城市均受到了大規模的襲擊,損失慘重。英國的報章以德語的閃電-"Blitz"形容德軍的空襲,從此這段歷史便被稱為"The Blitz"。

blitz (ATTACK)
noun [C]
a fast, violent attack on a town, city, etc. usually with bombs dropped from aircraft

the Blitz noun [S]
the big attacks on British towns made by German aircraft in 1940-1:
She was killed in/during the Blitz.

blitz verb [T]
blitz (ACTIVITY) noun [C]
1 a lot of energetic activity:
The car was launched with a massive media/advertising blitz, involving newspapers, magazines, television and radio.

2 SPECIALIZED when both players have to make a lot of moves in a very short period at the end of a timed game of chess, before the time allowed is past

