2017年7月2日 星期日

euthanize, documenta

Horse is euthanized after horrific fall, another dies walking back to the barn
The 9-1 underdog was worth more than $500,000 and had 14 career wins.

The Fridericianum during dOCUMENTA (13)
documenta is an exhibition of contemporary art which takes place every five years in Kassel, Germany. It was founded by artist, teacher and curator Arnold Bode in 1955 as part of the Bundesgartenschau (Federal Horticultural Show) which took place in Kassel at that time,[1] and was an attempt to bring Germany up to speed with modern art, both banishing and repressing the cultural darkness of Nazism.[2] This first documenta featured many artists who are generally considered to have had a significant influence on modern art (such as Picasso and Kandinsky). The more recent documentas feature art from all continents; nonetheless most of it is site-specific.
Every documenta is limited to 100 days of exhibition, which is why it is often referred to as the "museum of 100 days".[3] Documenta is not a selling exhibition. It rarely coincides with the three other major art world events: the Venice BiennaleArt Basel and Skulptur Projekte Münster, in 2017 all four are open simultaneously.

Etymology of documenta[edit]

The name of the exhibition is an invented word. The term is supposed to demonstrate the intention of every exhibition (in particular of the first documenta in 1955) to be a documentation of modern art which was not available for the German public during the Nazi era. Rumour spread from those close to Arnold Bode that it was relevant for the coinage of the term that the Latin word documentum could be separated into docere (Latin for teach) and mens (Latin for intellect) and therefore thought it to be a good word to describe the intention and the demand of the documenta.[4]
Each edition of documenta has commissioned its own visual identity, most of which have conformed to the typographic style of solely using lowercase letters, which originated at the Bauhaus.[5]


Pronunciation: /ˈjuːθənʌɪz/ 

(also euthanise)


[WITH OBJECT] North American
Put (an animal) to death humanely:older dogs may find loving homes instead of being euthanized


1970s: formed irregularly from euthanasia -ize.

1971年的大一英文老師要我們討論”安樂死” 。
多少討論和知識,都沒有BBC這部Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die 來得令人震驚和深思。
   泰瑞普拉契特,當代英國最受歡迎的幽默作家,也是1990年代英國最暢銷的小說家,至今出版了65本書,發行29種語言版本,全球銷售超過5500萬 冊,其中奇幻長篇小說Discworld系列是他的代表作,出版37本,每一本都是英國的暢銷書。但64歲的他卻在五年前發現罹患阿茲海默症,無法打字寫 書,只能倚賴助理協助聽寫,他說「我認不得字的這一天終將來臨,等我無法再寫書時,我不確定自己是否還想活下去」。為了規劃人生的最後旅程,泰瑞普拉契特 踏出了這一步……。

Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die is a 2011 one-off television documentary produced by KEO North for BBC Scotland[1] on the subject of assisted…

